Thursday, May 5, 2011

Beef Stew, first attempt

I've never made beef stew, but I saw some beef labeled "beef for stew" at Publix and decided to give it a try. I pulled out the brand new slow cooker that my mom bought for me four years ago and to my surprise and delight it came with a little recipe book along with the instructions. Since I didn't have all the ingredients to the beef stew recipe in the book I decided to wing it a little.
These are all of the ingredients.

Here's my shiny, never been used slow cooker.


4.5 hours later, we have beef stew

Served over rice.

Next time I need to add less pepper. It was a little too spicy. Also, it kind of turned into beef soup rather than beef stew, so I'll have to remember to add some flour to thicken it a bit. All in all, first attempt was a relative success. Now I get to eat stew for the next four meals! Hurray! I'll post the recipe upon request. 

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