Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lentil Stew

Soundtrack: Fredric Chopin--Polonaise
I felt classy and decided to listen to some classical music while I cooked. I think I will start noting what I have been listening to while cooking. Rarely do I cook without music.

On another note, I finally had all the ingredients for a good stew: carrots, onion, celery, tomato. I had some Lentils lying around that were begging to be cooked and so other random things. I threw it all into a slow cooker and waited for everything to be cooked. My one regret is not having chicken broth on hand.

In addition:
I made a ton of it. I had left over stew that shared with some friends. Together we had an awesome night of cooking that included two pies, panko encrusted shrimp and whiting fish, along with the left over stew and several glasses of red wine.
Here's the spread.

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