Saturday, July 16, 2011

Shrimp Scampi

Soundtrack: Stone Temple Pilots, Album: Purple

Technically, I made this for breakfast since I didn't wake up until about noon today. I found a recipe at, halved it and added onion to it. It turned out delicious! I am glad I added onion. I usually don't order shrimp scampi at restaurants because it's so easy to make at home. Making this dish reminded me how much butter is in this recipe, which I plan on cutting in half next time I cook it. Seriously, 8 tablespoons of butter is a bit frightening to see melting in a large skillet. Scampi is pretty much all butter with some white wine. Also, this dish reminds me that parsley is definitely not my favorite herb and is best in small doses. On another note, I put on Purple and started the dish and finished cooking when the CD ended. I'd say that's quite a feat. Now I know that I cooked for exactly 46 minutes and 59 seconds. That's 46 minutes and 59 seconds of good cooking and awesome 90s rock/grunge. I felt like I should have been cooking something like mac and cheese or a pizza to go with the music instead of shrimp scampi.

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