Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Guacamole is a vegetable too!"

I have been really bored this week. Almost everyone is out of town because of the break between spring and summer session. I was glad when a friend messaged me to hang out today and make guacamole. Honestly, I don't think enough people like guacamole. Avocados are really yummy and really good for you. Who needs a vegetable side dish to make a well-balanced meal. That's when I decided guacamole is a vegetable too. So enough with the words. Here are the pictures:
Lunch: Tilapia (seasoned with spices and parmesean) and brown rice.

With a large heaping of guacamole.

On a random note: really bright green bug on my car.

Also, I've started plastic bag stuff again.
This is how bored I am.

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